SeedSeller Training TV –
Seed ownership is best described as the time when a seed booking turns into a seed sale.
When do customers actually decide to take ownership of the seed they ordered so it becomes their property and, thus, no longer belongs to the sales rep or the company supplying it?
The answer is…when they believe that the seed they have ordered is their sole, best option to producing a top crop.
But in a year where there is fear of a seed shortage, many farmers will double or even triple book seed to make sure they are protected.
Every year, seed sellers must do everything in their power to control the critical variable of seed ownership, but especially in a year where there is talk of a so-called “Seed Shortage.”
How are you going to make sure your seed isn’t the one returned after planting season?
Watch our latest webisode of SeedSeller Training TV below and make sure you have a plan to figure out who owns your seed this year!