SeedSeller Training TV –
What’s keeping you up at night?
As a Seed Seller, what do you worry about most often?
For me, the number one thing that kept me tossing and turning over the years, especially after harvest, was that list of people who I had not contacted yet or had the opportunity to talk to while the harvesters were rolling.
At night my mind would race with thoughts like:
Were they happy with this year’s crop?
Are they going to buy more seed from me next year?
Has a competitor already called on them?
“The List”
Every good sales rep has a list of people they intend to see. Whether they are current customers, first-time buyers or new prospects.
Even though this list should be recorded and kept with the sales plan, too often it exists only in the mind of the seller.
As a result, it continues to nag at them, especially at night.
Watch our latest webisode below from SeedSeller Training TV and learn how to to take the worry out of your nights by dividing the list of people that you have not seen into four major groups.
Do this today and get back to sleeping tonight!