Does it seem like you’re working as hard as you can, doing as much as you can, and still not getting the sales increases you need and want every year?
Many seed sellers feel that way.
They know that sales increases come from two primary sources:
- New customers
- Increased sales from current customers
But simply setting goals that target those two sources will, most often, not get you the increases you want. That’s because farmers aren’t on the same ordering schedule as you are.
You want their orders prior to harvest—they want to wait to order until after harvest.
But WHY?
In this exclusive video, I explain why farmers are in this rut and give you a strategy that will help you get earlier orders from your prospects and customers.
But here’s the best part…
When you execute this strategy, it not only brings huge benefits to your sales territory, but also provides a great deal of advantages to farmers.
Watch this video to learn more.
P.S. Click here to learn more and to get registered for the SeedSeller Blueprint Live workshop.