Seed Seller TV
A big topic right now is what farmers are going to do next year.
Many farmers are letting current market prices affect their decisions when it comes to cropping plans.
This can be a very costly mistake.
But this type of thinking is not unusual and it happens every year.
Even as a young boy, being raised on a farm in South Dakota, I watched my father fall into the same trap whenever market prices were low and input costs were high.
My dad would panic and totally change course on his plans for the next growing season and this would end up hurting him more than if he would have stayed the course.
As a seed seller today, it’s your job to keep customers focused on the one thing they have most control over…
Producing the most bushels possible.
In this week’s Rod Cam, I tell you why you need to confront this issue head-on and be the one who brings up this difficult topic.