Rod Cam-
There is so much confusion in the Ag marketplace right now.
Farmers are worried about market prices, profitability, and so much more.
Many times, these worries can lead to indecision on the part of the farmer, especially when it comes to locking in his seed order, various inputs and, most importantly, his cropping plan for the upcoming planting season.
As a result, you, the Seed Seller, must take a leadership role with every one of your customers.
So, as a Leader, you must take charge and get your customers’ minds back into focus on what is most important and the only thing they can control….producing bushels.
Over the next two weeks, you need to pick up each one of your customers and take them to their fields. And, yes, I do realize that it’s still winter and in many areas you may still have snow on the ground. But what you will soon learn is this is actually the best time of year to implement this strategy.
In this week’s Rod Cam video, I tell you why you must do this and what to look for when you get there.
P.S. Don’t forget to get registered for our public CAMP this summer in the Quad Cities. In February, we doubled the amount of registrations that we had last year at this time!
Don’t delay as this summer event will SELL OUT! Click here to learn more.