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To learn more about this program, simply click below and we’ll send you a free brochure with details about this hard-hitting one-day session.
Ready to move forward? Simply click the green button to check Rod’s availability.
Hire Rod
Sales Training Dedicated to Agriculture Sales
To learn more about this program, simply click below and we’ll send you a free brochure with details about this hard-hitting one-day session.
Ready to move forward? Simply click the green button to check Rod’s availability.
Hire Rod
Hire Rod Osthus to conduct a private training for your entire sales team or region. This will be a true game-changer.
Want to be the BEST sales person in your territory or have a small team? We’ve got you covered.
A lot of field/ag sellers really struggle when trying to sell to today's sophisticated farmers. After 50-plus years in the seed business, Rod Osthus has developed a selling framework he walks sales reps and companies through so they can gain more confidence & increase their sales.
Best of all, the blueprint he teaches not only makes selling easier but helps 21st century growers produce more bushels on every acre.